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Freedom of wives

 Freedom of wives
Categories: Love words

Freedom of Wives

The sweetest hope in the world is freedom. A child dreams of playing in freedom. A girl dreams of being loved in freedom. A man dreams of working in freedom. However, freedom alone never makes a person happy. If freedom, emptiness, youth, and possibilities are available to a person and she does not have a goal that she is busy achieving, it turns into distress, torment, boredom, and nervous damage. Freedom constantly demands its religion. It demands responsibility. It demands a burden to bear. And if it does not find a burden, it itself turns into a burden that it cannot bear. It is unbearable.. If the simple soldier comes to him on the Night of Destiny.. and says to him, Go.. You are a marshal.. You are a leader with free rein in the entire army.. From now on you are free from every restriction and from every command. From now on, your word is the matter. No one. Your fate is decided for you. No one has the right to issue instructions to you. From that moment on, you are the source of all instructions and the decider of all destinies. If this happened to a simple soldier, he would be astonished. Then he would become frightened. Then he would tremble in terror. The position: Every word he says can decide the fate of the entire army. Who knows that he will not make a mistake in his estimation, and that he will not take the lives of a million soldiers like him while planning the battle and issuing orders. The enormity of the responsibility paralyzes his mind with fear, and he will reject this. Freedom... He rejects this gift that the Night of Destiny grants him... He submits his resignation and demands to return to his junior position as a simple soldier. He receives an order to march, which he carries out without acting or thinking, and advances under a hail of fire to die in simplicity... This is a thousand times easier than freedom that places him at the crossroads. To decide... and bear responsibility for an entire army. He faces the problem of choice...and action...and hesitation...and every moment. For this simple soldier, freedom is a state of tension, discomfort, and anxiety. It is unbearable. Because he is not armed with the tools that enable him to benefit from this freedom. He does not have the ability to bear responsibility. He does not have the competence with which to employ his capabilities or goals. For which he plans.. and he does not know what he wants.. nor how to dispose of his freedom. For him freedom is confusion, distress, fear, and a heavy burden from which he wishes to be freed. This is the problem of freedom. It is a very precious but dangerous substance. Like radium, it is more expensive than gold and platinum... but it is dangerous, destructive and incendiary... it emits deadly radiation... and it can cure cancer... but it can cause cancer... if the doctor does not know how to use it... freedom without goals, without a program, without A goal for which she sacrifices...a heavy burden...the wife whose husband relieves her from working in the house and brings three servants for her, an electric washing machine, an electric sweeper...and a stove heater...then he gives her the freedom to go out and return as she pleases...then he exempts her from the burden so that she will not be miserable. By raising children, she will fall into trouble because she will face 12 hours of free time every day that she does not know how to spend. 12 hours without goals, without children, without duties at home, without a plan in her mind to fill this time, such as This wife will either suffer from epilepsy...or be admitted to a mental hospital...or become a Sufi...or lead a revolution...or form a women's party...or frequent suspicious houses...or become a professional at lifting weights...or play Japanese wrestling. Or she composes poetry.. but she will never be a happy wife.. and she will never be a wife in the sense of wives.. the lamps of homes.. The man who intends to comfort his wife by relieving her from work at home puts her in a problem that is more difficult and harsher than the fatigue of the house.. which is the problem of her freedom. Which will resort to the worst solutions.. If the woman must be relieved of household duties, her man must prepare another role for her to fill her days and nights so that his nights are not dominated by confusion, anxiety, and boredom. If the husband wants to give his wife freedom... let him give her a job... let him give her a goal... let him give her a role in which she can be consumed and use her freedom... otherwise she will destroy him and herself with this freedom... and she will turn into an unemployed, bored, quarrelsome person who spends her days at the Al Jazeera Club displaying her charms. On the children of unemployed people like her.. She spends her nights at poker nights.. Then she chokes his breath at the end of the night with her demands.. Freedom is not a luxury.. It is not a gift that a husband gives to his wife like a nylon sock or a bottle of Chanel perfume.. It is a curse when he presents it with a certificate of exemption. From work and from responsibility.. By doing so, he has presented a problem to his wife.. and has not given her a gift.. It is better for her to live like a simple soldier, receiving orders and carrying them out without acting, rather than being a marshal without work, writing down a program.. and the wife who is looking for freedom. She does not look for a job for this freedom. She does not understand the meaning of freedom. She does not deserve to be given this freedom at all. The freedom of the man who lived always envied by women was never a non-essential freedom. Rather, it was a gift to be paid in In exchange for everything... He was always the one who worked... He was the one who earned, He was the one who planted and manufactured, He was the one who thought, invented, and led... His freedom was not a gift... No electric washing machine could save him his arms... And no electric sweeper could save him effort. To sleep and stretch out idle in the Al-Jazeera Club... but his freedom was work, preoccupation and responsibility... staying up late in factories, laboratories, schools and government offices... and struggling on the battlefields... and this is the true meaning of freedom... and this is the only excuse for a man in his freedom, which he was unique in and excelled at. It is imposed on women... and if wives are now demanding freedom... then they only have this freedom... freedom in the sense of working, sharing responsibility, and carrying burdens... as for the freedom to loiter in the streets... and dance, drink, and stay up late in clubs. As for the freedom to expose the legs, bare the chest and shoulders... and stuff the body into transparent cellophane... to poke eyes... and drag a train of admirers - this freedom has only one meaning... which is the destruction of homes... and the first one who will suffer with this freedom is the woman herself... She will cry from agony if she has one lover. She will cry from boredom if she has ten lovers. She will cry from humiliation if her husband divorces her. She will cry from remorse if her children are homeless. She will cry from loneliness when she reaches the age of forty and becomes flabby. Lovers... and she misses the warmth of the home... and misses the affection of children... and she will discover that this sparkle that she was running after was not freedom... but rather the slavery of her instincts. And the restrictions of her selfishness... The wise husband is the one who always keeps his wife busy at home... and places the responsibility of the house on her shoulders, without servants... and without modesty... in this way, he reserves for her the immediate goal with which she is preoccupied... and with which she occupies her hands, her mind, and her heart... and makes use of her freedom. For the good of the home...and for the good of the only true love for which you live. From a book on love and life by Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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